3 Mistakes To Avoid With Your Social Media Strategy:
Not Knowing Who Your Audience is:
If you haven’t yet, defining your audience is key to kicking off your ads successfully!
Have you defined:
Age Group?
If you haven’t had time to work out your ideal client, now’s the time! You can start by generating ideas on their ideal age range.
Are they young? Middle aged, or closer to retirement?
Are they male, female or a non-specific gender?
What things generally interest your ideal customer?
Do they travel a lot? Do they love gardening?
Are they retired?
These simple questions can help you better target your idea client, by closing the gap (and the guesswork) that various social media algorithms go through while advertising and showcasing your content on your behalf.
Not Creating The Right Content
When was the last time you spoke to your client base?
Did you send them one of those forwarded meme’s?
You know, one of those funny ones that only the cool people will laugh at? The ones that “get you” and your sense of humour.
Was it something you’re 100% sold on that your customers will be glad to remember you by?
If you’re not consistently bringing value to your clients front door, will they keep wanting to open up when all you do is bring a slightly funny, likely inappropriate meme to the meeting?
Let’s face it, content has a time and a place, and while sharing the funny stuff can be a great ice breaker, is it really how you want to be remembered by your customers?
Bring value. Or they’ll seek that value elsewhere.
Using non-relevant images/video
“A picture paints a thousand words”.
And a good video can leave you speechless!
Both images and video perform really well when added into an ad campaign.
Video has been proven to perform the best out of all of the standard options (image/video/text).
What view to do you give to others when promoting your brand?
Do you post high quality images and videos?
Or do you post more for click bait/likes on your posts?
Is the visual image you’re creating of your business, the one your most happiest with? Is it consistent? Is it of a good quality?
Or are you just posting to see who will like/share?
But wait…. “What do you mean by high quality” I hear you say?
If you have the power to stop someone in their tracks with the video content you make, or you can open up someone’s mind to 1000 new reasons to like you and your product/service, ensuring what you share is of good quality, on point, and relevant, is extremely important.
If the first way new prospective clients see you, via an image or video in a ad? Is it of the same quality (or better) you see in others in your industry?
How do you stand out against everyone in your sector?
What are YOU doing differently to everyone else?
In a world where content is king, ensuring all of your content is engaging, memorable, thought provoking, effectively, “on point”, is absolutely essential. Whether you post daily, weekly, monthly (or heaven forbid), yearly, it’s important that at every point, your customers can see a high value, high quality output from you.
Not just in your text, but your imagery, videos, emails, products/services.
If you can be proactive in all of these 3 areas, and look to improve on these basics, your overall customer offering will improve. Your content towards your customers will improve. Your visual offerings will improve and you’ll begin to shine over and above what your competitors are.
And let’s face it, you don’t want to give away your customers to your competitors, all because you’ve not nailed the basics, do you?
When was the last time you gave your social media outreach strategy a quick MOT to make sure it’s firing on all cylinders?